Monday, 14 May 2018

NSCAG supports dialogue to end deaths and infrastructure destruction in Nicaragua
The trigger for the protests
As is the case with countries globally, Nicaragua is struggling with the issue of how to strengthen its social security system to address the needs of an aging population. There is currently a yearly deficit of $80m in social security funding. In order to plug this gap, the government proposed an increase of 0.75% in employees’ contributions and 3.25% increase for employers, with the retirement age remaining at 60. In addition 5% would be deducted from pensions to ensure full health care coverage. Pensions would also be restructured. These measures were agreed by the government, trade unions and the Union of Retired People but not the private sector who demanded a retirement age of 65, no increase in contributions, and other measures that would effectively cut the value of pensions by 13% a year.
Protests turn violent
  • The government announced the introduction of their version of the social security law on 18 April. There had previously been protests by pensioners and on 19 April university students started demanding the repeal of the law which they interpreted as cuts to pensions. The protests started at the technical university in Managua and rapidly spread to other state universities and cities: Leon, Granada, EstelĂ­, Masaya, San Marcos, Bluefields, Ocotal and Jinotega.
NSCAG support for peace initiatives without foreign interference
NSCAG condemns the excessive use of force by the Nicaraguan police including firing on protesters resulting in deaths.
NSCAG condemns the actions of some politically motivated protesters who also carried out acts of violence resulting in deaths and damage to and the destruction of buildings and institutions.
NSCAG is concerned that there is a politically motivated and co-ordinated attempt to manipulate people’s grievances into calls for regime change as has happened in Venezuela.
NSCAG supports the call of the Organisation of American States, the European Union, and the Pope for dialogue involving all sectors including the government and protesters to bring about a political solution to end all violence.
NSCAG fully supports the Government initiated national dialogue- with the Episcopal Conference acting as mediator - involving all sectors to unite the country in reaching consensus on how to continue addressing the key challenges the country faces in maintaining social and economic stability at the same time as combatting poverty and unemployment.

On 12 May, groups of protesters in Masaya, Nicaragua destroyed and ransacked the home of Jacaranda Fernandez, a member of the National Executive Committee of health trade union FETSALUD and Secretary of Region 5 of the union. Her furniture and belongings were taken out on to the street and set alight. At the same time, the protesters have issued death threats to Jacaranda and her family.
FETSALUD have issued a statement denouncing the attacks 'by groups of criminals and vandals financed by the right in our country and who cause anxiety to the population with their supposed 'peaceful' actions.'
The statement goes on to say 'We repudiate and condemn all these acts and express our solidarity with Jacaranda Fernandez. We call on all those who incite hatred and destruction to cease this barbarity against the people of Nicaragua. Health workers will continue our daily task of attending to our people and praying for peace in Nicaragua, trusting that dialogue will be the solution to the current problems'.
Health union ANDEN have condemned the attack on Jacaranda and her family and have expressed support for the national dialogue as a way to achieving consensus and peace. They go on to say that 'teachers will continue to construct and promote the values of respect, love for one's fellow human beings and reconciliation'.
UNISON West Midlands have sent a message of support to Jacandra and her family and to the wider Nicaraguan trade union movement

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