Monday, 8 January 2018

The arrest of 16 year old Ahed Tamimi has shone a spotlight on Israel’s systematic abuse of minors through the process of military detention. The treatment of Ahed has rightly generated a global response, but her situation is far from unique.

Each year the Israeli military arrests and prosecutes around 700 Palestinian children. From the moment of arrest, Palestinian children encounter ill-treatment and a denial of their basic rights. Children as young as 12 are still routinely:
Taken from their homes at gunpoint in night-time raids by soldiers.
Blindfolded, bound and shackled.
Interrogated without a lawyer or relative being present and with no audio-visual recording.
Put into solitary confinement.
Forced to sign confessions (often in Hebrew – a language they do not understand).
We have made protecting children a priority for 2018 and have already generated a significant response. Thanks to your support, the Early Day Motion (EDM) 563 we tabled in parliament has 97 MP signatures (making it the 6th most popular EDM).
With an extra push we can get this over 100 signatures and help secure a debate in Parliament. So please take action by writing to your MP. 
Ask your MP to support EDM 563 and call for a Parliamentary debate
Now is also the time to call on the Foreign Office to take action. Please join us in writing to Boris Johnson on behalf of Ahed Tamimi and all Palestinian child prisoners.
Email Boris Johnson 

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