This week marks three years since the Rana Plaza factory building collapsed in Bangladesh, in which 1,134 people died and thousands more were left seriously injured. It remains the worst ever industrial accident in the global garment industry.
In the wake of Rana Plaza, with the attention of the world's media focused on the horror of sweatshop labour conditions in the global garment industry, clothing brands promised change. H&M, the largest producer of garments in Bangladesh, was the first brand to sign the legally-binding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, a ground-breaking agreement which aimed to ensure all supplier factories in Bangladesh met safety standards so there would never be another Rana Plaza.
Three years have passed and yet there are still unsafe garment factories in Bangladesh, those with no fire escapes, metal bars on the windows and padlocks on the doors. 55% of H&M supplier factories in Bangladesh are failing safety standards. Workers making clothes sold in H&M stores on UK high streets risk their lives each day. H&M need to meet their promises.
Please help us by signing and sharing this petition demanding H&M take urgent action on factory safety.
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