The Rana Plaza disaster on April 24th in which more than 1,000 Bangladeshi workers lost their lives stunned the world.
I wrote to you back then asking for your support to press the Bangladeshi government to "take urgent action to guarantee freedom of association and improve building and fire safety and the minimum wage for the more than 3 million garment workers in Bangladesh."
We sent over 14,000 messages and -- together with other campaigns -- our voices were heard. A historic accord was signed involving leading global clothing companies and trade unions to improve health and safety.
But our demand that Bangladesh guarantee freedom of association has not been fully realized.
The key to safer workplaces is stronger unions.
Bangladesh must change its labour law to allow unions to do their job -- and they must change that law now.
The International Trade Union Confederation is calling for a world-wide online campaign to support such a change in Bangladesh's labour laws.
Please take a moment and send off your message to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh: